paysite to stations' or programs' own websites.
"Car Talk" is now podcast free of charge, as is "Marketplace" -- there
may be others as well.
Most of the ABC's "Radio National" programs are also podcast; DW has
also increased its podcast offerings. The BBC (Radio 4, World
Service) has not recently augmented its podcast capabilities, though
much of the documentary archive can now be downloaded. A larger
inventory of BBCWS documentaries is available via podcast at the
"Changing World" site maintained by PRI for the remarketing of the
BBCWS documentaries; see
Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA USA
On 5/14/07, Chet C <> wrote:
> WNYC's Selected Shorts Now Avail as an NPR Podcast!
> Previously Selected Shorts was downloadable only via (paysite).