Saturday, July 24, 2010

"Remix Radio" from PRX -- interesting new concept I hadn't seen before

If you've participated in the swprograms list before or read my NASWA
columns, you've seen me mention the "Public Radio Exchange"
before; they are a content clearinghouse for independently-produced
programming available to public radio stations as well as individual

PRX has launched a live stream called "Remix Radio" that provides a
continuous stream of programming from the programming available at
their website.

It strikes me as a "pot luck" opportunity to sample something random
that you might not otherwise check out in your usual "appointment

It isn't 100% spoken word -- it's more of an "interesting sound"
format...but my impression is that it's primarily spoken word...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for musing us through radio It's very good article great job