Friday, August 24, 2007

BBCWS special programming Saturday: "London: Open City"

This came in my weekly e-mail yesterday from the BBC.

"Throughout this week, various BBC World Service News & Current Affairs programs have been broadcasting live from around London. They've been looking at aspects of London as a global city, bringing the diversity and vibrancy of the city to the airwaves and finding out why people want to live and work there. Specially-commissioned features from the BBC's non-English language services have also been broadcast, giving a flavor of the rich cultural mix of the city. This special weekend program sums up the best of the week's reports."

Air times: Shortwave (west Africa stream) Sat 1332 rpt 1832 UTC; live webcast, Sat 1132 rpt Sun 0732.

There doesn't appear to be an on-demand archive of this summary program, though individual clips can be streamed online at

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA USA

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